in the workplace

Simple, Concise Meditation Sessions That Fit Easily Into The Workplace Environment
Breathe make the implementation of supporting a health and well being programme in the workplace a viable and straightforward and cost effective option. We can come to your organisation in the Bristol/Bath area or run online sessions nationwide, to carry out regular meditation sessions at times that fit with your employees work day schedule. Sessions are concise but effective so as not to impede on the working day but can be fitted around convenient times to suit. Breathe meditation sessions are designed to fit perfectly into the workplace. They are fully inclusive being available to all ages, fitness levels and disabilities. Meditation sessions are straightforward and accessible to all employees. And best of all we come to you or you can attend a session online so that we even take the stress out of having to commute to a class and find time in your busy schedule to participate in a regular practice. Breathe can provide employees an interlude of relaxation, de-stressing time in the middle of the day during working hours when sometimes a short interval to just breathe and recharge can be of utmost benefit. Wellbeing, mindfulness, breathing techniques and meditation workshops and sessions over virtual platforms can be arranged on request bespoke to your requirements and can be an effective and beneficial support to your wellbeing programme for those working from home. Or maybe step away from the workplace completely with a teambuilding exercise or reward with a difference for a day of wellbeing and relaxation at Breathe Meditation in the tranquil Chew Valley.
Why the need for meditation at work sessions?

Mental health is an issue many organisations cannot afford to ignore. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK, costing an average of £1,035 per employee per year as found by the Time to Change campaign
Every employer depends on having healthy and productive employees – valued and supported staff are far more likely to deliver the best outcomes for your business.
If you want to attract and retain committed employees, prioritising the mental health of your staff needs to be core business in your organisation.
The latest analysis report in 2020 by Deloitte, building on work conducted in the 2017 review reported poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion a year. Rising by 16% since 2016.
Therefore concluding that it pays employers to support their employees, with every £1 spent supporting employee’s mental health, employers receive £5 on their investment in reduced absenteeism and staff turnover.
Employees of many professions often work in stressful conditions. It is important for the mental and physical health of your team that they have coping mechanisms to mitigate their stress. Mindfulness and meditation are techniques that not only reduce stress, but also increase focus and productivity. Stress can affect every level of your employees’ health, from their emotional well-being to their physical vitality. A regular meditation practice can help you maintain focus, improve productivity, and increase retention. Meditation can be an easy, integral part of an overall workplace wellness program.
Benefits of Incorporating Meditation Sessions as Part of a Company's Mental Health & Well Being Policy
Reduce Stress
Boosting Productivity
Enhance creativity
Reduce Sick Leave
Improved memory and concentration
Helps with better decision making
Better Health and Well Being
Higher Staff Morale
Prevents team burnout
Reduction in staff leaving a company